Al Baraka عربي

Global Network

The Group has a wide geographical presence in the form of subsidiary banking units and a representative office in 13 countries, which in turn provide their services through more than 600 branches. Al Baraka Group has operations in Jordan, Egypt, Tunis, Bahrain, Sudan, Turkey, South Africa, Algeria, Pakistan, Lebanon and Syria, in addition to two branches in Iraq and one representative office in Libya.
Name of the Bank Establish Date
Jordan Islamic Bank 1978
Al Baraka Bank Egypt 1980
Al Baraka Bank Tunisia 1983
Al Baraka Bank Sudan 1984
Al Baraka Islamic Bank - Bahrain 1984
Al Baraka Turk Participation Bank 1985
Al Baraka Bank Limited - South Africa 1989
Banque Al Baraka D'Algerie 1991
Al Baraka Bank Lebanon 1991
Al Baraka Group 2002
Al Baraka Bank Syria (Associate) 2009
Al Baraka Bank (Pakistan) Limited 2010
Al Baraka Group Representative office, Libya 2011
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