The Group Head of Internal Audit will be positioned at a level in the Group that enables internal audit services and responsibilities to be performed without interference from management, thereby establishing the independence of the Internal Audit Function. (See “Mandate” section.) The Group Head of Internal Audit will report functionally to the Group Board Audit Committee and administratively (for example, day-to-day operations) to the GCEO. This positioning provides the organizational authority and status to bring matters directly to Senior Management and escalate matters to the Group Board Audit Committee, when necessary, without interference and supports the internal auditors’ ability to maintain objectivity.
Internal auditors should be independent of the activities they audit and they must therefore be permitted to carry out their work freely and objectively. This means that the internal audit is independent of all functions including compliance, risk management and financial control functions. The Internal Audit Function must also have sufficient standing and authority within the Group and must operate according to sound principles. Independence permits internal auditors to render an impartial and unbiased judgment essential to the proper conduct of audits.
Internal audit reports must be provided to the Group Board Audit Committee without Senior Management filtering.
The Group Board Audit Committee must ensure that the Internal Audit Function is able to discharge its responsibilities in an independent manner, consistent with CBB rules relating to Internal Audit Function independence. It must review and approve the audit plan, its scope, and the budget of the Internal Audit Function. It must also review audit reports and ensure that Senior Management is taking necessary and timely corrective actions to address control weaknesses, compliance issues with policies, laws and regulations, and other concerns identified and reported by the Internal Audit Function.
The status of the Group and Local Unit Internal Audit Function should be sufficient to permit the accomplishment of their audit responsibilities. The Group Head of the Internal Audit should have sufficient authority to promote and maintain independence and to ensure Group Board Audit Committee coverage, adequate proper appreciation of audit reports, and appropriate action on audit recommendations.
The Group Head of Internal Audit will confirm to the Group Board Audit Committee, at least annually, the organizational independence of the Internal Audit Function, If the governance structure does not support organizational independence, the Group Head of Internal Audit will document the characteristics of the governance structure limiting independence and any safeguards employed to achieve the principle of independence. The Group Head of Internal Audit will disclose to the Group Board Audit Committee any interference internal auditors encounter related to the scope, performance, or communication of internal audit work and results. The disclosure will include communicating the implications of such interference on the Internal Audit Function’s effectiveness and ability to fulfill its mandate.
Internal Audit shall not be involved in designing, selecting, implementing or operating specific internal control measures. However, the independence of the Group Internal Audit Function must not prevent Senior Management from requesting input from the Group Internal Audit Function on matters related to risk and internal controls. Nevertheless, the development and implementation of internal controls must remain the responsibility of management.
Objectivity is an independent mental attitude, which internal auditors should maintain in performing audits.
The staff of the internal audit department of the Group shall every year sign a testimony of their independence and declare any conflict of interests, financial or otherwise.
Difference in opinions between the Group internal audit department and local management of the units shall be finally resolved and referred to the GBAC.