Al Barakaعربي


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Board Committees

Board Executive Committee
1. Mr. Abdullah Saleh Kamel - Chairman
2. Mr. Mohamed Ebrahim Alshroogi - Vice Chairman
3. Mrs. Dalia Hazem Khorshid
4. Dr. Ziad Ahmed Bahaaeldin
5. Mr. Abdul Elah Abdul Rahim Sabbahi
6. Mr. Houssem Ben Haj Amor
Board Audit Committee
1. Mr. Fahd bin Ibrahim Al Mufarrij - Chairman
2. Mr. Naser Mohamed Al Nuwais 
3. Mr. Tawfig Shaker Mufti

Nomination & Remuneration Committee
1. Mr. Mohamed Ebrahim Alshroogi  - Chairman
2. Mrs. Dalia Hazem Khorshid
3. Mr. Saud Saleh Al Saleh

Board Risk Committee
1. Dr. Khaled Abdulla Ateeq - Chairman
2. Mr. Masood Ahmed Al Bastaki
3. Mr. Tawfig Shaker Mufti
Board Social & Sustainable Finance Committee
1. Mr. Naser Mohamed Al Nuwais - Chairman
2. Mr. Abdul Elah Abdul Rahim Sabbahi
3. Mr. Saud Saleh Al Saleh
Board Compliance and Governance Committee
1. Dr. Khaled Abdulla Ateeq - Chairman
2. Mr. Masood Ahmed Al Bastaki
3. Dr. Ziad Ahmed Bahaaeldin
4. Mr. Yousef Khalawi

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