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Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will be unable to meet its payment obligations when they fall due under normal or stressed circumstances.
ABG and its subsidiaries each has in place a liquidity management framework, taking into account its liquidity exposures in respect of its current and savings accounts, deposits from banks and other financial institutions, and its restricted and unrestricted investment accounts. This ensures that it maintains liquid assets at prudential levels so that cash can quickly be made available to honour all its obligations. Liquidity management also recognises the impact of potential cash outflows arising from irrevocable commitments to fund new assets, as well as the potential risk impact of withdrawals by large single depositors, ensuring that ABG does not rely excessively on one customer or small group of customers. In addition to its own internal liquidity management policies, each subsidiary is further required to maintain cash deposits with its respective central bank equal to a percentage of its deposits as directed by that central bank - in most cases 20%. ABG additionally holds liquid funds which are earmarked and available for its subsidiaries in the unlikely event that they should require assistance. Liquidity management reporting conforms to all local regulations.
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