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Board Risk Committee

The Board Risk Committee comprises of a minimum of three Directors and meets formally at least twice a year but may meet more frequently at the request of the Chairman of the Committee. It can call for the attendance of the Group Chief Executive Officer, Head of Credit and Risk Management and other senior executives of the Group at any of its meetings.
The Group’s risk appetite is determined by the Board, based on the recommendations of the Board Risk Committee. The Board Risk Committee is responsible for setting acceptable levels of risks to which the Group may be exposed, for approving management’s strategy for the managing of risk and for ensuring that all necessary steps are taken by management to identify, measure, monitor and control risk. The Committee’s objective is to oversee the Group’s risk management systems, practices and procedures, as well as to ensure effective risk identification, management and compliance with internal guidelines and external requirements. The Committee reviews issues identified by the Internal Audit and Compliance departments of ABG and/or any of its subsidiaries, such as weaknesses or breakdowns in controls.

For more detailed information about the Committee’s duties, powers, and the periodicity of its meetings, please refer to the Group’s approved Corporate Governance Code at the following link.
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