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Credit Risk

Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial contract fails to discharge an obligation and causes the other party to incur a financial loss. It applies to the Group in its management of the financing exposures arising out of receivables and leases (for example, Murabaha and Ijarah) and working capital and other financing transactions (Salam, Istisna’a, Musharaka or Mudaraba). Each Group subsidiary has in place a framework for credit risk management that includes identification, measurement, monitoring, reporting and control of credit risks. Each subsidiary controls credit risk through the process of initial approval and granting of credit, subsequent monitoring of counterparty creditworthiness and the active portfolio management of credit exposures. Authority to approve credits is delegated by the subsidiary’s Board committees entrusted with the task of credit assessment and evaluation, under specific credit policies and operational procedures in place in that subsidiary. Mitigation of credit risk is primarily achieved through (a) customer’s financial and credit due diligence including willingness and ability/capacity to repay, (b) appropriate structuring of credit facilities and its pricing and (c) obtaining various forms of collateral as necessary.
During the year 2017, ABG and its subsidiaries made the necessary preparations and acquired credit rating and other systems while credit policies and procedures were updated, following the introduction of FAS 30 Accounting Standard by AAOIFI in 2018.
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