Al-Baraka Islamic Economics Symposium - Nadwa is an all-important Annual feature, where renowned and famous Shari’a scholars, bankers and experts discuss some modern banking transactions and issue Shari’a based opinions (Fatwas) and recommendations for the enhancement of the Islamic banking sector and solving its problems.
Forty symposiums had been held up-to-date since its inception in Medinah in 1981 in different cities. The Nadwa has been held in various cities in the KSA, which include Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Jeddah, in addition to Damascus, Cairo, Kuala Lumpur, Beirut, Istanbul, Tunis, Algeria and Jordan.
The resolutions and recommendations issued by Al Baraka Symposium for Islamic Economics continue to represent a reference and database which feeds researches and Fatwas of Shari’a boards of banks, financial institutions, Figh academies and various organizations and agencies around the globe.