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In this section you have access to our financial data in the form of Annual Reports and quarterly Results, apart from Regulatory Capital Disclosures and Public Disclosures amongst others.

The Reports are organized by Year, sequentially and can be downloaded by clicking on the Link.

Reports for year 2024

Reports for year 2023

Reports for year 2022

Reports for year 2021

Reports for year 2020

Reports for year 2019

Reports for year 2018

Reports for year 2017

Reports for year 2016

Reports for year 2015

Reports for year 2014

Reports for year 2013

Reports for year 2012

Reports for year 2011

Reports for year 2010

Reports for year 2009

Reports for year 2008

Reports for year 2007

Reports for year 2006

Reports for year 2005

Reports for year 2004

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