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Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The Board Nomination & Remuneration Committee comprises of a minimum of three Directors and operates in accordance with a formal written charter adopted by it and meets at least twice a year and considers all material elements relating to remuneration policy, including, inter alia, the approval of the remuneration of the Directors, based on their attendance at Board and Committee meetings. It also recommends to the Board the level of remuneration of the Executive Management members and other ABG employees under an approved performance- linked incentive structure.

The Committee conducts an annual evaluation of the performance of the Board, Board Committees and the Group Chief Executive Officer. When an issue relating to the personal interest of a Director is discussed in the Committee, the interested Director withdraws from the meeting and abstains from voting. The Committee is responsible for identifying persons qualified to become members of the Board or the Group Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Board Secretary and other executive officers considered appropriate (except for the Head of the Internal Audit Department), and for making recommendations accordingly. It is also responsible for inducting, educating and orientating new Directors, and for conducting seminars and other training programs from time to time for members of the Board.

For more detailed information about the Committee’s duties, powers, and the periodicity of its meetings, please refer to the Group’s approved Corporate Governance Code at the following link.
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